

Get a feel for ChinaContact by learning about some of our past tours

Australian Catholic University, 19 Days

"I loved this program! Could not have asked for a better experience. It was great to see the tourist sights and to have lectures with knowledgable people. Loved everything!"
Sophomore Student
English Major
Chinese Culture lecture with David Moser in Beijing

Prof. Moser was the Associate Dean of Yenching Academy at Peking University and also teaches at Beijing Normal University. Author of ‘A Billion Voices: China’s Search for a Common Language,’ his class touched on the basics of modern Chinese culture from an expert on bridging the divide. 

Terra Cotta Warrior Museum in Xi'an

“I wish we could have spent even more time here!” ACU students roamed the huge park of the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum, getting an in-depth look at these incredible figures and eating lunch in the shadow of China’s first Emperor. “

LORD International Trading Co. Ltd. visit in Shanghai

Shanghai, one of the largest commercial hubs of China, is a bustling city full of innovative powerhouses. Students visited the headquarters and a factory of LORD, getting the chance to chat with people on the ground and at the heart of Chinese business today.

Universidad Javeriana,
10 Days in Beijing

"The most beneficial part of this program is the experiences I gained. Coming on the trip changed my perception on the world, and I understand better how other people live."
Junior student
School of Business
Chinese Culture lecture with David Moser in Beijing

Universidad Javeriana Bogota wanted to focus on learning the culture of China for a business context. They took Chinese history classes from Peking University professors, made dumplings with ChinaContact staff, learned Tai Chi on the Great Wall, and stopped by the Colombian embassy to meet and greet Colombians who live and work in Beijing. Busy times! 

Ricci Hall of Hong Kong,
5 Days in Beijing

"Understanding Jesuit activities and how the role they played in East-West exchange was super meaningful! Everything was super well-organized on the trip and I learned so much while having so much fun."
Paying Respects at Matteo Ricci's Tomb

“We wouldn’t have been able to go here alone!” Zhalan Cemetery, where Matteo Ricci and other prominent Jesuits are buried, is a quiet park that’s not usually open to the public – the Ricci Hall group remembers soaking in the forest of tall stone steles as one of the top things on their trip. 

Lecture on Jesuit History by Fr. Frank Hannefey

A class about the Jesuits in Beijing, from a Jesuit in Beijing. ChinaContact connects groups and experts for an experience unlike any other.

Jingdong Site Visit

Ricci Hall learners capped off their journey through Beijing’s history by stepping into present and future Beijing at the headquarters of the largest technology and retail corporation in China. 

What people say?

“Studying abroad, especially in a non-English speaking country, is one of the most unique experiences I have ever had in my life, and one that I am incredibly thankful for. There was not a single day that passed over our five weeks in China where I didn’t reflect on how grateful I felt. Before going to China, I had been outside of the United States, but not for nearly as long as five weeks, nor had I ever been to a country in Asia. Having the opportunity to live, study, and travel across a country such as China, a nation with a population far greater than the US’ and with new, rising global influence, broadened my horizons more than I could have imagined. Almost everything we did changed my perspective on China in some way.”

“Thank you for all the work you put in to make this trip unforgettable for us! I will always look back on this trip fondly.”

Erin Calder

Dear TBC Staff, Thank you for an amazing time in Beijing! You are all the most hospitable people on this planet. You made our trip memorable!”

“The Beijing Center, where we studied, provided an outstanding support system, from the dedicated interns to the comprehensive resources available. The center was equipped with modern facilities and a vast collection of learning materials, making it an ideal place for intensive study. The small class size allowed us to build a strong rapport with our professor and classmates, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning atmosphere. We also had opportunities to practice our language skills outside the classroom, interacting with locals and exploring the city.

One of the highlights of our study program was the cultural excursions organized by The Beijing Center. We visited historical sites, attended cultural performances, and participated in traditional activities that complemented our classroom learning. These experiences not only enriched our understanding of the Chinese language but also provided us with a deeper appreciation of China’s rich cultural heritage. The dedication and care of the staff at The Beijing Center ensured that our study experience was enjoyable and memorable. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I gained during this program, and I look forward to applying them in my future endeavors.

Ryan Sadaghiani

Thank you for making our Beijing experience unforgettable. I had such a great time getting to know everyone at TBC and I hope we can hang out again someday!

Michael Ford

Thank you all so much for this amazing experience and taking such good care of us while we are here. I had such a great time and we are all so appreciative of everything you did for us. Thank you again!

Erin Miyahara

Thank you all so much for this experience. It exceeded my expectations 100x. You all are the best and your hospitality was so generous.

Michael Ford