Our Jesuit Tradition
Jesuit Education
What makes us unique is our placement in a long and storied tradition of Jesuit education, one that teaches us that true cultural engagement starts first with friendship.
Before Ron Anton founded TBC back in 1998, Italian priest Matteo Ricci made his way to Beijing, where his study of the language and culture, paved the way for the realization of the Jesuit mission in academics. In doing so, Ricci and his companions showed great courage, humility, and respect in search of their findings – qualities which are exemplified by our community today. Along with his companions, Ricci struck a close friendship with Xu Guangqi, with whom a cultural exchange took place. Xu Guangqi taught Ricci the Chinese way of life, and in turn, Ricci shared his knowledge of the West, and the rest was history.
Today, we exert our efforts to follow in their footsteps by providing a supportive environment for our students, teachers, and business professionals to start their own adventures in China.

Being Jesuit education
Jesuit education draws its inspiration from the values of the Gospel and also from the liberal education of the Greco-Roman tradition, helping young men and women to become free citizens. Jesuit education takes the whole person into account and fosters not only intellectual development, but also moral and spiritual growth. Intellect and faith are seen as complementary, not contradictory.
TBC was established in 1998 as an apostolate of the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus with the support of the US AJCU institutions (Jesuit universities).
“China Is The Classroom”
Oh, and there's always been a Jesuit priest on staff since our founding.
It’s more than just tribute. TBC lives the magis by being highly involved with our global Jesuit community. We are connected with Jesuit organizations around the world, from our friends in the US to publishing articles in European Jesuit journals, as well as involvement in our local Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – Asia Pacific region and spearheading the discernment process of the China Mission. We encourage cura personalis by hosting student retreats rooted in Ignatian traditions such as the Examen and giving opportunities for service learning.

Matteo Ricci enters China
In 1582, having studied Chinese language and culture, Matteo Ricci entered China where he would remain for the rest of his life.
Traveling, translating, mapping and impressing with mathematics skills, Ricci was the first Westerner to enter the Forbidden City when he became an advisor to the Emperor in 1601. He advocated for appreciation and inculturation as he introduced Christianity to China.
The China Mission Grows
Thousands of Jesuit priests came to China in the following centuries after Ricci.
Despite political and social upheaval, including regime and dynastic change that saw Chinese attitudes towards them fluctuate wildly, Jesuits played a huge role in developing China’s scientific advancement and influencing Western perceptions of China.
The Mission today emphasizes friendship and continued shared learning.
The Beijing Center is Founded
Initially developed as a business school, Fr. Ron Anton worked with dozens of U.S. universities to found a Jesuit foothold in the heart of China’s development.
TBC teaches in the Ignatian pedagogy, emphasizing experience, reflection, and action. In 1998, the doors opened to the first class of students from all over the world who embodied the spirit of immersion, exchange, and adventure that Matteo Ricci began all those years ago.
The International Association of Jesuit Universities is an network of associations. In each of the six regions of the Society of Jesus, a formal association is established to encourage sharing of best practices, leadership development, broad discussions of common concerns and collective promotion of the identity and mission of Jesuit higher education in the region.

The International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) is committed to fostering collaboration, research, and programming among member institutions to achieve several critical priorities.
These include expanding access to quality higher education for marginalized and disadvantaged populations, promoting the development of civic and political leaders guided by Catholic Social Teaching principles, and advocating for economic and environmental justice through education and awareness efforts.
Additionally, the IAJU aims to preserve the distinct Ignatian character of its member schools by nurturing the leadership of both lay and Jesuit individuals. It also seeks to encourage interfaith dialogue, address challenges posed by secularism, and underscore the importance of faith in human and social development.
Furthermore, the association is dedicated to advancing peace and reconciliation through bridge-building programs and social justice initiatives across the wider university community.


The AJCU-AP (Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific) is a voluntary association of Jesuit higher educational institutions (HEIs) and Jesuit higher educational endeavors (HEEs) functioning within the territory the Jesuit Conference for Asia Pacific (JCAP).

AJCU-AP supports and promotes Jesuit higher education in Asia-Pacific region. It provides the structure for the higher educational apostolate of the JCAP. It is organized to promote friendship in service and leadership, to share discernment in mission, to facilitate cooperation and service, to develop the appropriate “Jesuit” brand of higher education, to engage in strategic planning, projects and programs for the higher educational apostolate in southeast Asia and Oceania, and so in higher education to propagate the faith, promote justice, appreciate culture, and engage in inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue. It is a forum for the ongoing exchange of experience, information and expertise among members. It networks both among Jesuit HEIs and HEEs and beyond, serving as liaison with the Jesuit General, the Jesuit Educational Secretariat, the Provincials, and other associations of Jesuit and non-Jesuit higher education.
Top-tier universities in North America have established strategic cooperation with us and are committed to providing more opportunities for international education and exchange.

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) is a national organization that represents Jesuit higher education among its various constituencies; provides a forum for the exchange of information and experiences in Jesuit higher education; and encourages and facilitates collaborative initiatives among its member institutions. Those initiatives include: fostering Jesuit, Catholic identity and mission; educating for a faith that does justice; supporting national, international and online collaborations between campuses; and sponsoring professional and leadership development programs.